Thursday, December 24, 2009

11th Hour Christmas Request

Dear Santa,

I had a post all written about Christmas blues...not blue about Christmas, but getting down on myself w/ some guilt about not being in the "gift giving" spirit, etc, etc.

However today I am in a fantastic mood & have called bullshit on all that guilt-crap & just ready to enjoy the little bit of holiday festivities I am inviting in.

I not big on the whole spending/buying spirit that seems to be what the holidays are mostly about...I don't make a list of wants to give to my family & friends, and in fact, I ask that nobody feel obligated to get me anything. But this year, I want to make a list to Santa himself...for a couple of things that cannot be bought in the stores or even online (gasp, is there anything that can't be bought online?!)

So this year, I make a last-minute, Christmas Eve request to the jolly man in red:

1) the courage to follow my dreams & believe in myself: in work, in love, in life;

2) the opportunities to make new friends & nuture the friends I'm blessed to already have;

3) and something akin to one of these wouldn't hurt either:



  1. we stopped buying gifts and sending christmas cards to anyone years ago. now, we choose to spend the money (and a little extra) we save on buying those gifts/cards giving it to someone who really needs it. we are big fans of oxfam unwrapped and simply send an email to our loved ones instead telling them where the money we have saved (probably buying them things they neither want nor need) is being sent.

    we don't even buy big gifts for each other, choosing instead to spend money on adventures.

    hope you have a great christmas.

  2. Amen to that...thanks for the high five Leonie.
